Physical Infrastructure Access (PIA)

With our fully accredited team of experienced Surveyors, Network Planners, Project Managers and Project Co-Ordinator’s, Sitec have surveyed and designed thousands of kilometers of network utilising the Openreach infrastructure for clients including Virgin Media, CityFibre, Community Fibre, Airband and more.

With our own dedicated PIA Management Team, Sitec can efficiently support our clients expectations to make best use of the existing Openreach network to expand their own.

We have a fantastic record of working with Openreach, our fully accredited surveyors & build teams and our clients to

ensure a well managed, well reported, and well built network conforming to the demanding Openreach standards.








Preparing and submitting A55’s, Missing Inventories, and Network Adjustments along with maintaining a regular report to our client and submitting all Openreach As-Built information, we also keep our S&D, Build Teams and client appraised of all Openreach legislation change as it happens.

An example of an NOI plan issued to our client detailing the Openreach plant to be used.

An example of an A55 for an MDU design. Blockage located at TR&R on survey.